Pre Staking Investment (PSI)

Only for two months periods.

  • Pre-Sale
  • soft cap
  • bonus
Min - $5 Max - $50000
Our top Partner
Trust Wallet

About Us

The Royal Network coin is an innovative decentralized network marketing project that aims to disrupt the traditional way of conducting business in the network marketing industry.
The Royal Network Coin may offer investment opportunities for individuals looking to diversify their portfolios and potentially benefit from the coin's value appreciation.
The blockchain technology behind the Royal Network Coin offers transparency and traceability, allowing users to verify transactions and ensure the integrity of the network.
This unique platform allows marketers to build their build their own network and earn rewards through direct sales and referrals, while also providing them with access to a wide range of products and services from various industries.

royal coin image

Revolutionary TRNC Platform with Exclusive Rewards Program

Mobile Payment Make Easy

Mobile payment solutions aim to streamline the process of transferring money.

Lifetime Free Transaction

The term "lifetime" implies that this fee waiver remains in effect for the entire duration.

Protect the

Protecting your identity is an ongoing process, and a combination of proactive measures and awareness.

Security & Control Over Money

The goal is tomaintaining a high level of security to protect against unauthorized access fraud, and other potential risks.


Trusted Wallets

A mobile wallet with a focus on simplicity and security. It supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies, including ERC-20 and BEP-2 tokens.

Top Exchanges

"We are working for listed our TRNC on Binance exchange, bitmax exchange & Probit exchange and also decentralized exchanges like Pancake swap, Bakery swap and much more very soon.

LPoS Safety

The safety of LPoS would also involve the overall security of the blockchain network using this consensus mechanism.

benefit gif

Get Started


"earn" is used to understand the nature of the compensation or income being referred to.

Star Earning


Scanning can also refer to the act of using a barcode or QR code scanner to read information.

Star Scaning


"swap" operation often refers to exchanging the values of two variables.

Star Swaping

Lifetime free and transaction

Security & Control over money

Mobile Payment Make Easy

The World's 1st TRNC Platform That Offers Rewards is a groundbreaking platform that revolutionizes the way Initial Coin Offerings are conducted

  • Total Supply : 100M
  • Publie Sale: 7%
  • Pricate Sale: 9%
  • Seed Sale: 8%
  • Tema & Advisors: 18%
  • Reserve: 36%
  • Liquidity: 12%
  • Pre-Seed Sale: 4%
  • Staking & LP Incentives: 3%
  • Marketing & Airdrops: 3%

It quickly gained popularity due to its user-friendly
interface, and supported cryptocurrencies

  • 1Symbol: TRNC
  • 2Initial Value : 1 TRNC = $0.010
  • 3Type : BEP20

Our Roadmap

Q1 2024


The Royal Network coin is an innovative decentralized network marketing project that aims to disrupt the traditional way.

Q2 2024

Trnc coin $ Staking

If "TRNC Coin" is a relatively new or niche cryptocurrency, I recommend checking the latest information.

Q2 2024

R App

SIf you're referring to "R," it could be the programming language commonly used for statistical computing and data analysis.

Q3 2024

Trnc Exchange

"TRNC Exchange" is associated with a specific region or project, you might also want to explore local or community.

Q3 2024

Trnc Chain

"TRNC Chain." The cryptocurrency and blockchain space is dynamic, and new projects can emerge over time.

Q3 2024


If there is a shopping portal specific to TRNC, you may find information about it through local news sources, community forums,

Q4 2024

R-Swap $ Wallet

If "R-Swap" has gained popularity or recognition after my last update, you might find more information on cryptocurrency.

Q4 2024

Trnc Bills

"TRNC Bills" may refer to bills or currency issued by the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).

Q1 2025

Trnc Social Media

"The Royal Network" on popular social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn to see if there are any official pages

Q1 2025

Trnc Metaverse

"The Royal Network Metaverse." The term "metaverse" generally refers to a virtual reality space where users can interact.

Q2 2025

Trnc - NFT's

"NFT" stands for non-fungible token, a type of digital asset that represents ownership or proof of authenticity of a unique item.

Q2 2025

Trnc Trading

"The Royal Network Trading" is associated with a specific organization, project, or platform, I recommend checking official.

Meet Our Team

Floyd Miles


Eleanor Pena

Founder & CEO

Arlene McCoy

Technology Officer

Robert Fox

Financial Officer

Jacob Jones

Head of Blockchain

Albert Flores

Product Designer

Devon Lane

Visual Designer

Jerome Bell

Legal & DPO

Ask Quick Question

Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual currencies that use cryptography for security and operate on a decentralized technology called blockchain. Unlike traditional currencies issued by governments and central banks, cryptocurrencies are typically decentralized and rely on a distributed ledger technology to record and verify transactions.

The Royal Network coin is an innovative decentralized network marketing project that aims to disrupt the traditional way of conducting business in the network marketing industry. The Royal Network Coin may offer investment opportunities for individuals looking to diversify their portfolios and potentially benefit from the coin's value appreciation.

It seems there might be a slight confusion in your question. If you're asking about payment methods, those are various ways individuals and businesses can send and receive money. Payment methods can include traditional methods like cash, checks, and credit cards, as well as digital or electronic methods like bank transfers, digital wallets, and cryptocurrencies.

Control Application From Your Mobile

  • Comming Soon App Store & Play Store

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